Our refund policy
We work hard to ensure that students have the statistics exam completed according to the instructions and on time. To ensure that clients feel safe when hiring us to do their exams, we have put in place this refund policy. If we are not available to complete your statistics exam according to the agreement, you can opt to seek a refund. To seek a refund, you must prove that you had made a payment to us and that we failed to complete the exam according to our agreement with you. If you prove that you are eligible for a refund, we process the refund immediately, and the money is sent back to you using the same medium you used when making the payment. We work hard to ensure that all exams are completed according to the instructions and that is why we use this refund policy as an assurance that the contract will be honored.
Circumstances when you qualify for a refund
If you happen to make two payments for the same exam, you automatically qualify for a refund. Note that you have an option of using the second payment on another task. However, if you want the funds refunded, all you need is to launch a claim, and we will refund the money as soon as possible. It’s important to note that these are exams, and therefore if you cancel an order that had already been assigned to an expert to handle, you will not qualify for a refund. For exams, we pay our experts before starting the paper because most of them are online exams.
If we do not get an expert to work on your exam, we will immediately inform you and then refund any payments that could have been made. However, we ensure that before accepting an exam from any student, we have several professionals available to work on it.
Cancellation of an order
You need to note that the cancellation of an order can either come from you or us. If we notice that you have been involved in illegal activities such as money laundering, we will not accept payment from you, and your order will be cancelled. In such cases, you will be liable for any damages that may have been caused. If the cancellation is from you, you will be informed whether you qualify for a refund or not. We carry out verifiable and credible work.